
    “I had not been long in Hertfordshire,before I saw,in common with others,that Bingley preferred your elder sister to any other young woman in the country.But it was not till the evening of the dance at Netherfield that I had any apprehension of his feeling a serious attachment. I had often seen him in love before.At that ball,while I had the honour of dancing with you,I was first made acquainted,by Sir William Lucas's accidental information, that Bingley's attentions to your sister had given rise to a general expectation of their marriage.He spoke of it as a certain event, of which the time alone could be undecided.From that moment I observed my friend's behaviour attentively; and I could then perceive that his partiality for Miss Bennet was beyond what I had ever witnessed in him.Your sister I also watched. Her look and manners were open, cheerful, and engaging as ever, but without any symptom of peculiar regard, and I remained convinced from the evening's scrutiny,that though she received his attentions with pleasure, she did not invite them by any participation of sentiment.If you have not been mistaken here,I must have been in error.Your superior knowledge of your sister must make the latter probable.If it be so,if I have been misled by such error to inflict pain on her, your resentment has not been unreasonable. But I shall not scruple to assert, that the serenity of your sister's countenance and air was such as might have given the most acute observer a conviction that, however amiable her temper,her heart was not likely to be easily touched. That I was desirous of believing her indifferent is certain—but I will venture to say that my investigation and decisions are not usually influenced by my hopes or fears. I did not believe her to be indifferent because I wished it; I believed it on impartial conviction,as truly as I wished it in reason.My objections to the marriage were not merely those which I last night acknowledged to have the utmost required force of passion to put aside,in my own case;the want of connection could not be so great an evil to my friend as to me.But there were other causes of repugnance;causes which,though still existing,and existing to an equal degree in both instances, I had myself endeavoured to forget, because they were not immediately before me.These causes must be stated, though briefly.The situation of your mother's family, though objectionable, was nothing in comparison to that total want of propriety so frequently,so almost uniformly betrayed by herself, by your three younger sisters, and occasionally even by your father. Pardon me. It pains me to offend you. But amidst your concern for the defects of your nearest relations, and your displeasure at this representation of them, let it give you consolation to consider that,to have conducted yourselves so as to avoid any share of the like censure,is praise no less generally bestowed on you and your elder sister, than it is honourable to the sense and disposition of both. I will only say farther that from what passed that evening, my opinion of all parties was confirmed, and every inducement heightened which could have led me before, to preserve my friend from what I esteemed a most unhappy connection. He left Netherfield for London, on the day following,as you,I am certain,remember,with the design of soon returning.

    “The part which I acted is now to be explained. His sisters' uneasiness had been equally excited with my own;our coincidence of feeling was soon discovered, and, alike sensible that no time was to be lost in detaching their brother,we shortly resolved on joining him directly in London.We accordingly went—and there I readily engaged in the office of pointing out to my friend the certain evils of such a choice. I described, and enforced them earnestly.But,however this remonstrance might have staggered or delayed his determination, I do not suppose that it would ultimately have prevented the marriage,had it not been seconded by the assurance that I hesitated not in giving, of your sister's indifference.He had before believed her to return his affection with sincere, if not with equal regard. But Bingley has great natural modesty, with a stronger dependence on my judgement than on his own.To convince him,therefore,that he had deceived himself, was no very difficult point.To persuade him against returning into Hertfordshire, when that conviction had been given,was scarcely the work of a moment.I cannot blame myself for having done thus much.There is but one part of my conduct in the whole affair on which I do not reflect with satisfaction;it is that I condescended to adopt the measures of art so far as to conceal from him your sister's being in town. I knew it myself, as it was known to Miss Bingley; but her brother is even yet ignorant of it.That they might have met without ill consequence is perhaps probable;but his regard did not appear to me enough extinguished for him to see her without some danger.Perhaps this concealment,this disguise was beneath me;it is done,however, and it was done for the best.On this subject I have nothing more to say,no other apology to offer.If I have wounded your sister's feelings,it was unknowingly done and though the motives which governed me may to you very naturally appear insufficient,I have not yet learnt to condemn them.

    “With respect to that other,more weighty accusation,of having injured Mr.Wickham, I can only refute it by laying before you the whole of his connection with my family. Of what he has particularly accused me I am ignorant;but of the truth of what I shall relate,I can summon more than one witness of undoubted veracity.
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微博号:檀栾Y 第二天,她在婚礼上被凌大少爷抛弃的传言,火一样烧遍了全城。 * 人们都说,一个被人睡过、身怀野种的戏子配不上凌家大少爷。 在苏栗最狼狈的时候,他将她抱起,淡淡一眼扫过所有记者,“我唐景临的孩子也算是野种,全暮城可没有比你们更敢叫唤的狗了。” 全场哗然中,苏栗二嫁豪门。 刚被凌家赶走,转脸就嫁给了十个凌家都比不上的男人——唐景临。 婚后他的花边新闻多得能淹了报纸头条,新晋的唐太太却从来不置一词。 直到那天,他的新宠当众给她难堪,苏栗一巴掌扇过去,莞尔轻笑,“这眼睛、这鼻子……花了多少钱整成我这样的?我说唐总,这么爱我就别出去找小三,冒牌的哪有真的带劲。” 唐总当场黑了脸,在所有人觉得他会勃然大怒时,他却低笑着扣住她的下巴,“我还以为唐太太打算一辈子装聋作哑了。没想到,还是只藏了利爪的猫。” 一夜之间,他身边所有的女人被遣散一空。 那时就连苏栗都一度认为,他们能白头到老。 一场熊熊大火,他抱着另一个与苏栗七八分像的女人,温柔安慰,“不怕,我这就带你出去,小影……我找了你两年,知道吗?” 苏栗独自置身火海,火苗卷上她的皮肤,她在疼痛中笑开,原来,她和那些冒牌货没有区别。 非要说哪里不一样,大约是,苏栗比她们加起来都更像他的心底的人。 两个月后,苏栗被突如其来的噩耗打击得生不如死。 她痛到癫狂,却没流一滴眼泪,对着他,缓缓举起枪,“我曾经想,就算无缘到老,至少也该好聚好散。你给的离婚协议我都签了,可是唐景临,你害死了我爱的人,我不让你尝尝这滋味,怎么公平?” 枪声响起,子弹打穿了他心爱的女人的肚腹。 没有人知道那天究竟发生了什么,正如同没有人知道,苏栗销声匿迹后,唐景临疯了般找了她许多许多个两年。 很久以后,苏栗路过那座城市,指着杂志上的八卦对同伴道,“唐总的眼光几年如一日的单调,女人换来换去都没什么新鲜的。” 不知从何处而来的唐景临将她死死抓住,苏栗偏着头微笑,“怎么,她死了吗?你要找这么多女人来悼念。” 男人低头吻她,“没有。” “那你这是怀念谁呢?”苏栗一成不变地笑,“这么大排场还不够,何必来招惹我。” 唐景临生生受下她的一巴掌,姿态更加强硬地把她圈在怀里。 “不够。”他低声将她说过的话如数奉还,“冒牌的……没有真的带劲。” 谁让她们不是你。 谁让我爱你。
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当用来哄骗朋友自己美好生活的朋友圈成真。 黄天三宝能否在友情亲情爱情之间秉承初心? 到最后,我们才明白,真正的黑暗理应是泥潭。 他不但要遮蔽双眼还要捂住鼻嘴。 不是光可以替代的黑夜,而是濒死之前逝去的光芒。
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