
    “Exceed their income!My dear Mr.Bennet,”cried his wife,“what are you talking of?Why,he has four or five thousand a year,and very likely more.”Then addressing her daughter,“Oh!my dear,dear Jane,I am so happy!I am sure I shan't get a wink of sleep all night.I knew how it would be.I always said it must be so,at last.I was sure you could not be so beautiful for nothing!I remember,as soon as ever I saw him,when he first came into Hertfordshire last year,I thought how likely it was that you should come together.Oh!he is the handsomest young man that ever was seen!”

    Wickham,Lydia,were all forgotten.Jane was beyond competition her favourite child.At that moment,she cared for no other.Her younger sisters soon began to make interest with her for objects of happiness which she might in future be able to dispense.

    Mary petitioned for the use of the library at Netherfield;and Kitty begged very hard for a few balls there every winter.

    Bingley,from this time,was of course a daily visitor at Longbourn;coming frequently before breakfast,and always remaining till after supper;unless when some barbarous neighbour,who could not be enough detested,had given him an invitation to dinner which he thought himself obliged to accept.

    Elizabeth had now but little time for conversation with her sister;for while he was present,Jane had no attention to bestow on anyone else;but she found herself considerably useful to both of them in those hours of separation that must sometimes occur. In the absence of Jane,he always attached himself to Elizabeth, for the pleasure of talking of her; and when Bingley was gone, Jane constantly sought the same means of relief.

    “He has made me so happy,”said she,one evening,“by telling me that he was totally ignorant of my being in town last spring!I had not believed it possible.”

    “I suspected as much,”replied Elizabeth.“But how did he account for it?”

    “It must have been his sister's doing.They were certainly no friends to his acquaintance with me,which I cannot wonder at, since he might have chosen so much more advantageously in many respects.But when they see,as I trust they will,that their brother is happy with me,they will learn to be contented,and we shall be on good terms again; though we can never be what we once were to each other.”

    “That is the most unforgiving speech,”said Elizabeth,“that I ever heard you utter.Good girl!It would vex me,indeed,to see you again the dupe of Miss Bingley's pretended regard.”

    “Would you believe it, Lizzy, that when he went to town last November,he really loved me,and nothing but a persuasion of my being indifferent would have prevented his coming down again!”

    “He made a little mistake to be sure;but it is to the credit of his modesty.”

    This naturally introduced a panegyric from Jane on his diffidence, and the little value he put on his own good qualities.Elizabeth was pleased to find that he had not betrayed the interference of his friend;for,though Jane had the most generous and forgiving heart in the world,she knew it was a circumstance which must prejudice her against him.

    “I am certainly the most fortunate creature that ever existed!”cried Jane.“Oh!Lizzy,why am I thus singled from my family,and blessed above them all!If I could but see you as happy!If there were but such another man for you!”

    “If you were to give me forty such men, I never could be so happy as you.Till I have your disposition,your goodness,I never can have your happiness. No, no, let me shift for myself; and, perhaps,if I have very good luck,I may meet with another Mr. Collins in time.”

    The situation of affairs in the Longbourn family could not be long a secret. Mrs. Bennet was privileged to whisper it to Mrs. Phillips, and she ventured, without any permission, to do the same by all her neighbours in Meryton.

    The Bennets were speedily pronounced to be the luckiest family in the world,though only a few weeks before,when Lydia had first run away,they had been generally proved to be marked out for misfortune.
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关于红楼之不孝子: 贾赦机缘巧合之下,知道了荣国府的结局,一心想改变结局的贾赦开始整顿荣国府,不料最大的拦路虎却是自己的母亲,于是为了保命,贾赦做了一个不孝子。 本文贾赦只是知道了结局,本质上还是那个只知道吃喝玩乐的赦老爷,所以什么保家卫国,振兴荣国府都是在保命的前提下,顺带的。 贾赦是主角,倒霉的就是贾母和二房的,这是没话说的。 我是黛粉,会给她一个好结局。 接到编辑大人通知,本文9月11日(明天)入v,当天3更,希望大家支持
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文案:小直男林瑾瑜睡梦中被强迫进了一个十((((游戏,为了自己的信((力完成任务,最后抱得好((的的励志故事。 本文又名《每个基友都很凶残》《我有特殊变装技巧》《上赶着献上菊花》《直男荣耀不可灭》 结局1作者真的不是剧透党【正色脸 ...▲∩▲...▲∩▲...▲∩▲...▲∩▲...▲∩▲... 入文将于8月10日入v,也就是星期天入v,入望大家支持我,支持正版^_^。 残党的我只能断更存稿了T.T 萌萌哒专栏求包养 # 图铺妹子超好
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当隔壁搬来一个傲娇、自大、智商爆棚情商几乎为零的双双的人生彻底被颠覆了,第一天就荣幸的来了一个警察局一日游。 苏双双抓狂,此仇不报非女子,可惜敌我双方实力相差悬殊,她便秉承即使打不死你也烦死你的策略一直伺机报仇雪恨。 没想过程很顺利,结果很意外,最后傲娇大副你捡了大便宜的样子说道:“既然你搅黄了我的婚事,那就拿你自己赔吧!” 有我在你什么都不用愁,只负责每天卖萌就行。 你的一切都是我的,我不允许有任何人伤害你,包括你自己。”
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在顾琬心中,傅邵谦就是一个薄情寡义、冷漠无情的践人。为了甩开纠缠的前女友,不惜“抢了”弟弟的“未婚妻”来结婚…… *** 顾琬,曾高高在上的千金小姐,家变、破产,一夜之间失去所有。 为了复仇,夺回一切,她甘愿与他“同流合污”。 人前,恩爱无比,人后互不干涉,多年来一直合作愉快。可本说好了的‘合作’,却在不觉中偏离了原来的轨道…… 当她觉得,爱情是可以相信的;当她以为,自己也可以幸福的时候,现实却给她最无情的打击…… 她被害流产、父亲病重,他却在她的耳边轻轻说:琬琬,你不追究她的责任,我救你父亲一命…… 到了最后,她才知道:他不是无情,只是太专情的爱着另一个女人。那场婚约、那张证书,都只是阴谋,她只是他保护他心爱之人的棋子… 推荐完结文:《豪门掠情,首席的陷阱》://../book/266452/index.html
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